Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Random thoughts

It's been a busy week in my life. . .

I got my first ever job a week ago Friday (I was offiicially hired July 14th) by Healthtek to survey a bunch of ppl in the Lower Mainland so they can sell their product (air conditioners and air vents). It's a really thankless position. The job involves me phoning b/w 5680-100 calls/hour, completing b/w10-16 surveys/hour and if I don't get an average of 8 survey's/hour by the end of 2 weeks my boss will fire me. The job is not worth it for only minimum wage for the abuse we surveyers get over the phone. Most ppl are pretty polite when they decline the surveys. Although there are the occassional rude customers. The only positives about this job are my supervisors and co-workers are nice and the room is air conditioned (that could be a negative come winter). The bonuses are pretty impossible to reach as well (completing 14 surveys in an hour). . .

For the first time in 2 years I took a dip in the swimming pool in our complex. The water was a little warm but still a refreshing way to beat the heat wave we've had. . .

Speaking of the heat wave, it's been warm but not unbearably warm. We Vancouverites are a bunch of wimps. My aunt lives down in NJ and the temperature feels a lot warmer due to the humidity factor. And don't even get me started about winter. I can't believe what bad winter drivers some Vancouverites are. Most of the time, we don't have any right to complain about the temperature in the LM (except for that annual dip in temp around January or November).

Anyways that's all for now. . . CYA


Blogger Chad Pederson said...

Happy to hear the world is keeping you busy - if not in the most exciting way for work ;o)

Keep plugging away at it. You've got dedication that will take you to great places in this world. Time just has a funny way of working on it's own schedule!

12:26 PM  

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