Monday, November 13, 2006

a tribute to our war heroes

I know it's a day late, but I think it's never too late to honor our fine men and women who have and/or are currently serving our country. I especially want to honor Cliff Chadderton, who lost his right leg in WWII. When he came home, he founded the War Amps, who initially served to help those veterans coming back from the War financially, providing those who lost limbs in the War with artificial ones. In the mid-1970's, he expanded the War Amps to include children, not just providing limbs, but also seminars to inform parents and to help the children cope with their loss of limb(s). The War Amps currently provide any technology children and adults might need to lead a relatively normal life. Anyway, the War Amps are still helping the Veterans from WWII (all the veterans from WWI have died off, but some souses are alive and being supported financially) and our troops who lose limbs in our current wars in Afghnistan and Iraq. As a side note, the War Amps are a non-profit organization who uses all donations to help the children and veterans maintain happy lives; so please go online and donate. BTW, I was born missing my right arm up to the shoulder as well as three fingers and part of my left hand and a toe on my right foot. As a final note, h=for those of you bloggers who are interested in history or learning more about the wars, I highly reccommend the following DVD's and books "The Boys of Kelvin High: Canadians of Bomber Command", "Excuse us Herr Shicklgruber" (Cliff Chadderton's first memoir; his second one on DVD is due out sometime before the end of the year), "Watch and Warn" (all about those men and women who had the role of watching for suspicious airplanes and boats in our land), "A War of Their Own", "Against All Odds", "Canadian Hong Kong Veterans: The Compensation Story". All of the above videos, DVD's and books and many more can be ordered off the War Amps Website and some may even be in your local library. Anyway God Bless our troops and may they come home quickly and safely.

Here is Cliff Chadderton at a Remembrance Day Ceremony in Ottawa one year

Here is Cliff Chadderton during WWII


Blogger Chad Pederson said...

Well said!

4:36 PM  

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