Thursday, October 12, 2006

security on Skytrain

Today's posting is prompted by today's tragic fatality of a passenger @ Gateway Station. Every time I go on Skytrain, I am greatly disturbed by the lack of Transit Police and the Sktrain ppl wearing the blue jackets and white shirts. I call on the Municipal and BC Provincial Government to pressure Translink into hiring more security, especially in the early morning hours and late at night when it's dark. It's a joke that our tax dollars are being put into all these projects for our future and yet they ignore the safety of the public who are using the transit system regularly, as I am. If Translink is serious about getting cars off the road, they need to hire more security that will stay at their appropriate station. Another thing I find is that at night there will be stations with no visible security, and other stations will have five or six security ppl just standig around talking. Meanhile, there could be murders going on at other stations and these supposed security personnel would be none the wiser. Your thoughts.


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