Monday, November 06, 2006

province-wide smoking ban

It's about time we had a province-wide smoking ban; it's a disgusting and dirty habit. Other people, who are non-smokers should not have to be in the same environment. On the other hand, it's easy to say to the people who smoke to quit, but in reality it's much harder to actually do so, but at least we don't have to breathe in those toxic fumes while we're eating a nice meal at a restaurant.


Blogger Urban Daddy said...

There is nothing worse than walking on the sidewalk behind a smoker. Ugh.

8:15 PM  
Blogger opinionator777 said...

smokers should be allowed to endulge in their habit somewhere, just not in restaurants or places where food ould be around and where there's poor ventilation. Also, the smoker should ask those around them if anyone has any respiratory problems.

8:47 PM  
Blogger Chad Pederson said...

Good post. Happy to hear your comments!

10:51 PM  

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