Monday, April 08, 2019

Criminal case: an online game review

Hello readers of this blog. Probably not too many of you out there since I have not posted on my personal blog in over 2 years. However, today I feel like blogging again and want to talk about my favorite online game, Criminal Case. I have been playing this game for going on three years now. It's a Facebook hidden object gamea new case gets released every week on Thursday mornings at 2 a.m. Pacific Time. . The short-term goal of the game is to solve the case and determine who killed the victim. Like a lot of games on Facebook, this game requires a lot of patience as the player has to wait for autopsies to finish and your partners in the game to complete difference tests or analyze what you send them. You can use rrea money to speed up the process but if you don't use real money, cases generally take about four days to complete. Initially, the player is introduced to the case by one of their partners and then they must search a crime scene and collect clues as well as the body and also find a few hidden objects from that scene. The dead bodies can be quite gruesome looking so this game is not really for younger audiences or those who are squeamish. I don't think about this game is that some of the objects are very real looking so if one has a phobia to spiders or snakes it's also not a good games for them to be playing. As the game has been developed and modified over the years, the graphics in a game have greatly improved and the developers of the game have even added movement to the game, making some of the objects move as a wooden real life. For example, a snake mite slither or a spider mite crawl along the floor. Most of the objects are stationary however. After being player finishes the scene they must process the evidence that they have collected. The interactions in the game for processing evidence are as follows, moving objects around to uncover a hidden piece of evidence, putting a broken object back together, closing a sample of evidence by either clicking on various places on the screen and the game either reveals that you found the right place or indicated with an arrow which direction the object it is. This can get quite tedious because the game moves in a pretty systematic way. Unfortunately it wasn't latest updated this game, you cannot go through this in a timely manner and it takes a lot of luck to get it right the first time. Another way to collect a sample of evidence is to vacuum it up (not available in earlier editions of the game). You can also have to unlock about phone or cupboard. Sometimes it's a matter of picking the right code where the computer reveal part of the code and you have to find what it is from four choices another version of this puzzle is matching the symbols. This one got quite difficult as the game gives you the digits of someone from 9 and you have to figure out which symbol mattress which number and then correctly click them in the order they are supposed to be in. I don't like this puzzle very much as it is time consuming and it's easy to make a mistake. Finally, you can look at the object what's the sample for under the microscope finding the various shapes in the puzzle. there are between two and four shapes in each level of the puzzle. There are four levels to this there are four levels to this puzzle. After you completed each puzzle one of two things happens. You either get to talk to a suspect oar the game will ask you to send it to the lab for one of the other players in the game to analyze. The analyses take anywhere from 6 to 18 hours. The autopsies take the longest and they are the first thing that gets analyzed in the game. Actually, usually the next shoe analysis of the autopsy or 12 hours each and the third one is 9 , followed by 9 + a 15 hour analysis.. Sometimes the game will analyze the results faster but typically the time and now is he take is the same case to case. Every suspect, and there are five in every case, has at least one of the five attributes found through the evidence that the player correct as a play the game. Only one of the suspects has all five attributes and they are the murderer. The 9-hour analysis in the last chapter of each case narrows down the suspects to two possible guilty.three of the attributes cannot be physically seen on the victim, but they revealed that they have them by answering the questions that are asked during each interview. The last two attributes are always physical attributes that can be seen on each suspect. After a case is solved the player gets to see a little scene play out where the partner gets the victim the murderer to admit that he or she did the crime or she and we get to see what sentence they get to serve in jail. After the case is wrapped up there is always up Romans chapter players are helping the other suspects and also getting a review of what next case entail and where in that case will take. Most of the time, you don't know who the victim is until you start the next case. Sometimes still criminal case developers have meet the next murder victim obvious. I will never break down the various seasons of criminal case. There maybe spoiler alerts just to let readers know.


Characters and teammates

David Jeremiah Jones: Inspector David Jones is the partner with which the player interacts with during the game. Jones asks all the questions to gather information about the evidence and suspects. He also interacts with the player making suggestions on what to do next. Jones is a prototypical cop who  has a tendency to be biased against certain suspects. He is loyal and serious about his job. Jones appears in both season 1 and season 5 of criminal case.not much information is revealed about Jones in the first season, other than his ex-wife divorcing him because of the demands of the job. In season 5, we get a much more in-depth view of Jones. We've learned that his girlfriend Eva was kidnapped by scientists who were trying to build Neil humans from a meteorite that crashed into planet Earth in Grimsborough. She was eventually found, but was later killed by one of the at Astrid's who realize that she had telekinetic powers from the experiments that were done on her inside the dome. Jones was devastated by his girlfriend's deChiefath and for a few cases he was out of commission. He even tried to commit suicide. After Jones found his girlfriend he worked hard to try to make her remember what happened to her. This went on for several cases before she was eventually killed.

Chief Samuel King. Acting as the chief of police for the Greensboro PD, chief Samuel King ran a tight ship. Spoiler alert: King killed himself after the player discovers he was the guilty murderer in the 51st case of the season.

Nathan coroner. Nathan is a quick witted, straight shooter who appears in Grimsborough (season 1 and is the first murder victim of the conspiracy 4th season). He provides the player with he cause of death plus an attribute of the killer. Nathan is killed in the first case if season 4 by kit for not sweeping evidence from a case years before. Nathan suffered a fatal great attack at bring bitten by a Cobra, normally a tame reptile by nature.

Grace Delaney. Lab chief (Grimsborough season 1) and medical examiner (world season 3. Grace is the chief lab assistant in the original season of Criminal Case (Grimsborough). Braces prime rib roll in criminal case season 1 was to analyze samples that the player send her after the player either put the object back together, uncovered the hidden clue, oar collective the sample of a substance on an object or document. results either revealed another attribute to add to the killer's profile or an attribute of one of the suspects that had been revealed in a previous interview. Grace was very caring especially to children. In one case she helped one of these suspects who was having an asthma attack. in the same case, it was revealed that Grace herself had suffered from asthma and struggle to breathe at times. Grace also adopted a puppy, which has been abused by Angel Martinez, one of the suspects in an early case of criminal case season 1. In the third season of Criminal Case, the world, Grace came on when the team was in Antarctica. She was acting as a doctor for the research teams in the Antarctic. In one of the cases of Antarctica, the chief medical examiner was found to be the murderer and after encouragement from the team Grace agreed to officially join the team for the duration of the season as chief medical examiner. She had a fiance named Luke Harris, who she was fiercely loyal to in Grimsborough. Harris was a suspect in one of the ca and Grace got mad at the player for investigating him. He turned out not to be the murderer, and after the case Harris did everything he could to get back and Grace's good graces. Grace with later divorce Luke and travel the world. Grace went undercover in an Amish community to tend to Isaac Hersberger to avoid offending the Amish population during the investigation.

Alex Turner technical advisor. Alex, the grandson-in-law of Chief Samuel King and his ex-wife Donna King, life to Cathy King, is grimsborough PDS Tech advisor. Alex's rule in criminal case seasons 1 and 4 is 2 analyze and try to extract data from broken cell phones and other devices. He is featured more prominently in the first season of Criminal Case, and is a lesser player in the 4th season of Criminal Case. Alex is a big prototypical geek. He loves all things about science, read comics, and is very much into sci-fi. He started suspect turned Alex befriends, dates, and later Mary's suspect turned technician Kathy King, who turned out to be the best daughter-in-law Cathy,,. Alex and Kathy had son together between seasons 1 and 4 of criminal case name Sammy Junior, she Sun  In season 4 Alex is primarily a stay-at-home dad well Kathy acts as the chief Tech advisor. Alex does appear in a couple of the cases, helping the player restore power effort was knocked out by one of the suspects.

Cathy Turner (nee King) Tech advisor New Grimsborough. Cathy King is a suspect turned tech advisor in criminal case season 5. We first meet her in one of the cases of criminal case once you counter hacks Alex's attempts to hack into one of the suspects Friendnet accounts. Friendnet is a fictional version of the social media site Facebook. Kathy uses your tracking skills in a few more cases before finally revealing your true identity. At first, Kathy appears as a holograph and then attempts to remain a h. eventually, out of the figures out who she really is, and it turns out that she's the granddaughter of Chief Samuel King, who is unhappy that is granddaughter is meddling into police business. She later dates Alex, much to the chagrin of King who disapproves. Between seasons 1 and 5 criminal case as the player solve crimes in Pacific Bay, the world, and mysteries of the past, Alex and Kathy get married and have Sammy jr. Kathy a place to work as the Grimsborough PD Tech advisor well Alex stays home to take care of her son Sammy. Kathy works with the player to help analyze the technical evidence that comes in and also restore power and fix other technical issues that arise in the conspiracy. She is also an asset in ultimately bring you down the mastermind behind the conspiracy, Denise Daniels and one of her Neohumans. Like Alex, Kathy is very much into computers and new technologies. She shares a love of comments as well and similar taste in music. Each district has six different cases.

Next I want to talk about the different areas within each season of Criminal Case. Season 1 of criminal case takes place in grimsborough, USA, a fictional major city in the US. How criminal case works is that there are 60 cent aluminum cases but six cases are related to a theme that is revealed in the additional investigation after the murder solved. There is an overall theme to The game that player learns as they play the game. Each major city is divided into six districts.

Industrial district: this is the initial district of criminal case. The first murder in criminal case actually takes place in the outskirts of the city right in front of the welcome to grimsborough sign. The industrial area is your prototypical blue collar area that you would find in a major city in the downtown core. It houses homeless, gang It hous and looks to be very roughshod. The theme of this district is a gang war between the Vipers and the Skulls. The first 11 cases of criminal case take place in this district.

Financial Center.
This area of Grimsborough was the prototypical areaware greediness reigned supreme. This district consists of blue collar workers and centers around a greedy corrupt businessman

Historical center the historical center features many historical relics of grimsborough. In real life, this district is quite similar to Gastown in my hometown of VaVancouver. The theme of this district is a dog pageant and the murders center around the competitive dog owners who want to win the competition.

University this district is served around a Bachelorette university and as well as school fronts the theme of this district is centered around a prom ball gala and the usual jealousies that comes from teenagers stealing boyfriend and other common high school problems.

Maple Heights this district is the prototypical rich neighborhood what's self-centered individuals who care about their own wealth. I compared this district to point Grey and Vancouver where I grew up and live. The theme of this district is the mayoral elections.

Airport this is the scene of a unique district of Greensboro. And this districts the player must solve a mystery from the past which delves into the gloomy mysteries of grimsborough, which you must be solved before the notorious secret society takes over.

As this post is getting pretty lengthy I won't use my next blog post to look at each Case by case and also get my take on them. There will be spoiler alerts fair warning.


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