Saturday, November 25, 2006

Houston Astros dip into free agent market

The Houston Astros are attempting to bolster both their lin-up and pitching staff in an attempt at a run in the Fall Classic

Carlos Lee signed a 6-year 100-million dollar deal with the Astros, the first four years include a no-trade clause, on Friday. Lee has one of the sweetest swings of any right-hander in the game and generates tremendous bat speed. He is a big man who can hit for power and average. Lee's strike-zone judgement has much to be desired. He's a barely average fielder in the outfield and tends to be a slow starter at the plate. He should fit in nicely in the #3 hole.

Woody Williams has also signed with the Astros Friday. Williams throws a cutter, a 90-mph four-seamer, a curve, and a good change-up. He is a fly ball pitcher who works the strike zone up and down. Because Williams works the plate up and down, he is prone to giving up the long ball. If he's not on, his pitches hang in the strike zone and are greeted with open arms by opposing hitters. It often takes a rough first inning to get his head in the game. Woody Willians could end up anywhere from staff ace to #3 starter depending on what Roger "the rocket" Clemens and Andy Pettite decide to do (retire or sign on with another team).


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