Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Random thoughts

It's been a busy week in my life. . .

I got my first ever job a week ago Friday (I was offiicially hired July 14th) by Healthtek to survey a bunch of ppl in the Lower Mainland so they can sell their product (air conditioners and air vents). It's a really thankless position. The job involves me phoning b/w 5680-100 calls/hour, completing b/w10-16 surveys/hour and if I don't get an average of 8 survey's/hour by the end of 2 weeks my boss will fire me. The job is not worth it for only minimum wage for the abuse we surveyers get over the phone. Most ppl are pretty polite when they decline the surveys. Although there are the occassional rude customers. The only positives about this job are my supervisors and co-workers are nice and the room is air conditioned (that could be a negative come winter). The bonuses are pretty impossible to reach as well (completing 14 surveys in an hour). . .

For the first time in 2 years I took a dip in the swimming pool in our complex. The water was a little warm but still a refreshing way to beat the heat wave we've had. . .

Speaking of the heat wave, it's been warm but not unbearably warm. We Vancouverites are a bunch of wimps. My aunt lives down in NJ and the temperature feels a lot warmer due to the humidity factor. And don't even get me started about winter. I can't believe what bad winter drivers some Vancouverites are. Most of the time, we don't have any right to complain about the temperature in the LM (except for that annual dip in temp around January or November).

Anyways that's all for now. . . CYA

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Get Well Soon

Although I don't agree with her or her parties political beliefs, here's hoping Carole James makes a full recovery from uterine cancer!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Congratulations team Italy!

felicitazione Italiano. What a great World Cup Final! Both teams played a hard fought game, and in the end it came down to the dreaded shootout. Personally, O think there should have beeen more extra time added after wasting so much of the second half of the extra time with players diving dives that would make Alexander Dispastis (Canadian diver) proud. I think it's rather harsh that Zidane didn't receive a medal after being red-c arded, what do you bloggers think? Zidane did deserve to be red-carded however. Fellow bloggers feel to comment.

Monday, July 03, 2006

some thoughts from a scattered mind

As an inspiration from Ed Willes the Sports columnist for The Province and sportsnet.ca's Mike Toth, I'm going to attempt to write weekly blogs that cover a wide range of topics in the same blog (to save paper and to hopefully give all you bloggers out there something refreshing to read.)

My thoughts on the Canucks off-season moves thus far: I'm disappointed we lost Jovocop to the Phoenix Coyotes and like many in the hockey world shocked he landed on Gretzky's team instead of joining Big Bert in sunny Florida. Ed, we'll miss you next year. As for Baumgartner, who signed with Philly, he had a break-out year last year that was essentially handed to him after his main rivals (Doig) either went down with injuries or were sent to the minors/junior for further development (Bourdon). I really like Willie Mitchell, it will be nice to have this kid being a thorn in the side of the likes of Joe Sakic, Jerome Iginla and Paul Kariya just to name a few instead of having him pounding Naslund and the Sedins to smitherines. I think the team next year is definitely shaping up to be more aware of defensive responsibilities, it will be interesting to see what other moves Dave Nonis has up his sleeve. . .

I must say I'm shocked and pleasantly surprised to see the BCTF come to their senses and sign a contract that's very generous. Teachers definitely deserved a raise after having to live with 0-0-0 for so many years. However, I don't believe teachers deserved the 19% they were asking for up until the last minute. Doctors and nurses, for example have to save lives every day. Firemen and police officers put their lives on the line every day. That's not to say the teachers don't have an important role in our society (they teach the skills required for these positions). I might have a little more sympathy for the teachers if they didn't always ask for more money every contract. Their claim that the working conditions are bad is just not true in my experience. I've been in different classrooms and managing 30 kids is difficult but not impossible. It's just not enough for what they were asking for was a little too rich in my opinion. Hopefully the teachers are smart enough to ratify the deal in the fall. . .

There are five Blue Jays going to this year's all-star game. Congratulations to Troy Glaus, Roy Halladay, B.J. Ryan, Alex Rios and Vernon Wells. These five have all had fine first halfs. Athough Rios might have been skipped for the likes of Magglio Ordonez who in my opinion is putting up better numbers. I can't say I'm too disappointed Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi were snubbed. Cheaters don't belong at an all-star game. . .

I was in the Steveston Salmon Festival on Canada Day with the War Amps. I had a great time. There were many different floats and performers in the parade. Our float was one of the first in line as we had younger CHAMPS (child amputees) that were going to get fidgety from sitting too long. I was a safety walker, there to support the kids and make sure they were havinmg fun and yelling real loud the very important message to Playsafe/Drivesafe/have a happy Canada Day. I highly reccommend some of you bloggers attend next year's Salmon Festival, there are things for ppl of all ages (carnival rides, different tents, etc). BTW Our float also took first place in the church and community service categiry. . .

Sunday's soccer game/picnic with my BCYL friends was a lot of fun. We split up into teams of 5 aside and played half the field. We lost the game 3-2 but it was great fun to play. Also, we had a shootout after the game, I beat the goalie twice but shot it wide in the 3rd round. The food was great! Thanks Woosang for organizing such a great event. . .

Well, that's about all I have to say for now, I post again real soon