Monday, September 10, 2007

Some Random Thoughts

At the end of this week I'll officially be at the halfway point of my ninety-day probation period as a Call Taker for Yellow Cab. Overall, the experience has been mostly positive. I am blessed with some great colleagues who have been very helpful and insightful in guiding me through and helping me to be the best I can be. I have found customers to be very understanding when I mention that I am new if I feel there has been too much time taken with the calls. The only real concern I have up to this point is the hours I'm being asked to work. Hopefully I'll be able to get more day shifts as my senority increases. For now, my main focus is to minimize mistakes as best I can and to take this experience call-to-call. I am 90% sure I'll be going back to school in about a year to complete what I started at Langara College (Arts and Sciences Associate degree). I'm also considering maybe taking some administrative assistant courses to perhaps try being a secretary in the future. . .

Last night marked the end of the so-called Canada-Russia Super Series. This hockey tournament was supposed to be a modern day version of the same eight-game series that took place in 1972. Our junior men just completely dominated Russia from the opening face-off in game 1 to the final horn in game eight. By far, Russia's best game the whole series took place in Game Seven when they managed their one and only point in the whole series by drawing Canada 4-4. Canada was superior in all aspects of the game from the goalie to the defensemen to the forwards to Special teams. If this performance is any indication of team Canada in the World Juniors in December, Look Out! . . .

Another little note is about head coach Brent Sutter. If he manages the New Jersey Devils they way he coached Team Canada in the Super-Series the Devils may just be a dark horse in the Eastern Conference. . .

After a dreadful summer weather-wise, we, here in Vancouver, are experiencing a nice Indian Summer. Interestingly enough, we've been right on average with rainfall and temperture. The question is, where was this beautiful weather a month or so ago? . . .

On Thursday I will be renewing my level C CPR. I feel First Aid is a very good skill to have, whether or not a situation ever arises where you are the lone person who knows CPR. A perfect example of the importance occurred yesterday in the complex next to mine. I was walking my dog when I saw this girl sitting on the ground surrounded by three or four concerned parents/neighbours. It turned out that she had been going down a hill too fast and slammed into a parked car hard enough to knock off the back license plate. Luckily, at the time her injuries appeared to be nothing more serious than a few scrapes and a bad bruise on her back. Her step-father showed up and presumably took her to the doctor to insure that she didn't have any internal bleeding or injuries that one couldn't see on the outside. The point is, that by knowing First Aid, I knew not to move her. Note, I arrived on the scene after the accident and did not see what happened. The girl was already being tended to and had a blue cloth on her left elbow. I encourage anyone reading this blog to take a First Aid course, especially if you have kids or work with kids on a regular basis. . .

On the note of encouraging people to do things, I also encourage people to donate blood. Our province is in a crisis mode with the blood supply and we need all the donors we can get. The whole donation process takes about an hour and at the end, on top of feeling good about potentially saving three lives, you get free cookies and juice or coffee or tea. I have been a regular blood donor for five years, since I was 18. I have always felt okay after, so if anyone is concerned about how they'll feel after donating blood, you should be able to continue on with your day after leaving the clinic, minus doing anything overly strenuous for the rest of the day. .

It has been seven weeks since the Vancouver Civic's strike began and it's time to end it. It has gone beyond the point of finger-pointing and one side blaming the other. Both sides need to come to the table and hammer out a deal that will satisfy everyone. For the most part, the Vancouverites should be commended for keeping our streets clean. As much as I would like to see this strike be a lesson in the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), I know it's just wishful thinking to think that we won't go back to the massive piles of garbage we piled up before the strike began. I think it's sickening that there are a few schools without access to books or gyms. Vince Ready, Mayor Sullivan if your reading this, please contact each other about mediation to end this dispute. Oh, by the way, the Union has no grounds to complain about those who are mowing the lawns about taking away jobs. If they feel that way, the brothers and sisters of the union should put down their pickets and return to work where they belong.

Another dispute that's had minimal air time is the forest workers strike. I grew up learning in Social Studies in Elementary school and High School that forestry is a huge natural resource in BC. we should be protecting our Identity as BCer's and end the dispute so that our beautiful trees can be maintained and there for future generations to enjoy. When I think of BC, I think of oxygen-giving trees.


Blogger Walter Schultz said...

Some thoughts of mine....

You are right the strike has gone for long enough!

Also, I hope to see you get through the probationary period and get more shifts. Are you liking the work?

And school is never a bad idea.

As for the weather; that really sucked! Too bad we didn't get out to play any golf. Maybe next year.

As always, best of luck.

8:51 PM  
Blogger opinionator777 said...

Yeah, I hope to get more shifts to as I want to earn enough money for school, to start a savings account for a new car and to get my license and for spending money plus to start thinking about retirement. Even if the probationary period doesn't work out, at least I tried the job and I can always find a new job.

12:12 PM  

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